Wow...I have such a long story to tell..In a nutshell, June 7, 2010 my husband, Aaron, went to the doctor for headaches, stuttering, and hand tremors. The MRI showed a golf ball sized tumor in the middle of his head. June 10th and June 29th he had 2 emergency surgeries, 1st one to drain fluid and biopsy, and the 2nd to put a shunt (drain) in to release fluid buildup. When the biopsy came back, we were told it was a Glioblastoma brain tumor (the same one which killed his mother when he was 4 years old), and that he had 12 months to live with standard chemo and radiation. We were referred to a specialist, and with his state of the art chemo treatments, Aaron was given 18-20 months. Glioblastomas are untreatable, and will kill you without a miracle. It is now August 13, 2011 (14 months since diagnosis), and his tumor is prune sized and stablized. Aaron is doing well, considering, and I named this blog "Such is life" because from the beginning of this nightmare, he had always such a good attitude, and all he would say when people were giving him pity or concern was he'd smile and say "Such is life!" He is such an inspiration, I LOVE HIM!!!

1 month before diagnosis, he graduated from college

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Ohhhh boy. Not feelin it man. 
 I have a question: How do I blog without hurting peoples' feelings while being honest?? How on earth am I ever going to share this blog with anyone...hmm. That's the point of a blog right? Rawness/Honesty? huh..anyways...This is a pic of Aaron and lil Aaron playing drums in the background for worship.

After church, Isaac knew he didn't get to play any video games for the rest of the day, so he asked his dad to play with him. (they get free play on video games if they play with their dad because it's time they get to spend together). They played for 3 hours! yikes, but they had fun.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi, I am getting so much out of reading your blog....thank you for letting me into your world thru this helps me understand and I do not feel so left out of your experience...and not having anyone special to share this trial with, I do feel more connected to you and your wonderful family. I love you all and pray for you every day and night. God bless you! you are the best example of strength and courage I have seen in my life.

    love always,
